Safety and Health

Measures to protect employees’ personal safety and working environment and implementation


Company working environment and employee personal safety protection measures

In order to manage the health of employees and prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases and occupational accidents, we must strictly abide by the "Labor Safety and Health Act", "Labor Health Protection Rules", "Labor Standards Act" and other relevant laws and regulations and implement the following operations, and strictly follow them to ensure the working environment and employees Personal safety:

    1. Each office location shall have labor safety and health management personnel and fire prevention management personnel. There is a firefighting team, fire drills are conducted regularly and expired fire extinguishing equipment is replaced.
    2. The factory also has an environmental, safety and health engineering team, which is responsible for operational planning related to safety and health management in the factory, including emergency handling and hazard prevention, planning and management of protective equipment and emergency equipment, storage records of chemicals, MSDS management and regular Inspecting factory areas, etc.
    3. Implement regular health examinations: The company provides employees with health examinations that are superior to general labor health examinations to assist employees in health management. For colleagues’ abnormal projects, colleagues are regularly reminded to track them to ensure their health.
    4. Formulate the "Labor Safety and Health Work Code" to standardize labor safety management matters.
    5. Prepare sufficient first-aid medicines and staff restrooms, and assign qualified first-aid personnel to handle first-aid matters.


Code of Conducts

The company has formulated work rules and signed labor contracts as standards for various behaviors and ethics that employees should abide by during their service period. If employees violate the regulations with relevant behaviors, they will be reported and punished according to the severity of the case, and will be in accordance with the performance appraisal system. Make links. Its main contents:

  1. Specific facts of inciting illegal work slowdowns and strikes or gathering people to make illegal demands, intimidation and extortion from the company.
  2.  Those who commit corruption for personal gain, misappropriate or owe public funds, or accept bribes or commissions.
  3. Those who have committed theft, gambling, drug abuse, sexual harassment or sexual assault against colleagues, etc. are found to be true.
  4. Those who have specific facts of bad conduct, bad behavior, or neglect of duties, causing the company to suffer significant damage.
  5. Those who use the company's name to deceive others, causing damage to the company's reputation.
  6. Those who imitate the signature of a superior supervisor or steal the seal to seek illegal benefits.
  7. Threatening superiors or tearing up or altering company documents.
  8. Participate in illegal organizations recognized by judicial authorities.
  9. Those who violate the relevant provisions on business secrets, non-compete, prohibited media and intellectual property rights in the employment contract.
  10. Those who drink alcohol, cause trouble and disrupt work order in the company.
  11. Engage in work outside the company that conflicts with the company's interests and affects the performance of the labor contract, if the circumstances are serious.
  12. Those who engage in sexual assault, sexual harassment, or indecent behavior in the workplace, causing damage to the company's image, and the circumstances are serious.
  13. Those who beat others or each other in the workplace, except those who are acting in self-defense.
  14. Smoking or starting a fire in a strictly prohibited smoking area, causing disaster.
  15. Even if the merits and demerits are offset during the year, three major faults will still be accumulated.
  16. Those who are assigned work in accordance with this contract/work rules, refuse to accept without reason (invalid after persuasion), and have evidence of openly insulting superiors.
  17. There is evidence of misappropriation of public property.
  18. Those who neglect work or delay important tasks, causing the company to suffer losses.
  19.  Those who leak business secrets and cause the company to suffer losses.
  20. Entrusting someone to swipe the card (punch in) on behalf of someone else, which is verified to be true and is a repeat offender.
  21. Those who have been proven to have stolen property or products from colleagues or the company.
  22. Forgery, alteration or misappropriation of the company's seal, with evil intentions, and there is evidence of this.
  23. Posting or distributing inflammatory texts or books that are sufficient to undermine the sentiments of labor and management, and the circumstances are serious.
  24. Those who threaten or intimidate colleagues with violence, causing disruption to production and causing serious losses.
  25. Those who gather a crowd to threaten and disrupt the progress of production order.
  26. Those who leave their duties without authorization, causing major disasters to the company and causing the company to suffer significant damage.
  27. Those who carry items that violate government laws and regulations (such as knives, guns, ammunition, explosives, etc.) to endanger the company's property or the lives of employees, or smoke or start fires in no-smoking areas.
  28. Establishing a labor relationship with others at the same time, which is verified to be true.




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