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Resin Blades
◆This series of products is made by thermosetting resin powder as the binder and diamond hot pressing forming.
◆ It has excellent self-sharpening properties and cutting ability.
◆ Based on the advantages of the binder, by adjusting the concentration of different abrasives, it can effectively control the cutting quality.
◆ It has excellent self-sharpening properties and cutting ability.
◆ Based on the advantages of the binder, by adjusting the concentration of different abrasives, it can effectively control the cutting quality.
There is a rich variety of binders available, suitable for cutting various materials such as glass, ceramic, QFN, DFN, GaAs, etc.
Luke Yu
E-mail: luke@niching.com.tw
TEL: 886-3-6116888 ext.62538
E-mail: anderson@niching.com.tw
TEL: 886-7-8618808 ext.63602